--- date: 3.2.2 myst: title_to_header: true section: 1 title: evcd2vcd --- ## NAME evcd2vcd - Converts EVCD files to VCD files ## SYNTAX evcd2vcd \[*option*\]\... \[*EVCDFILE*\] ## DESCRIPTION Converts EVCD files with bidirectional port definitions to VCD files with separate in and out ports. ## OPTIONS **-f,\--filename** \<*filename*\> : Specify EVCD input filename. **-h,\--help** : Show help screen. ## EXAMPLES Note that you should specify dumpfile.vcd directly or use \"-\" for stdin. evcd2vcd dumpfile.evcd : VCD is emitted to stdout. ## AUTHORS Anthony Bybell \ ## SEE ALSO *vcd2fst*(1) *fst2vcd*(1) *vcd2lxt*(1) *vcd2lxt2*(1) *lxt2vcd*(1) *vcd2vzt*(1) *vzt2vcd*(1) *gtkwave*(1)