--- date: 3.3.39 myst: title_to_header: true section: 1 title: vzt2vcd --- ## NAME vzt2vcd - Converts VZT files to VCD ## SYNTAX vzt2vcd \[*option*\]\... \[*VZTFILE*\] ## DESCRIPTION Converts VZT files to VCD files. If an output filename is not specified, the VCD is emitted to stdout. ## OPTIONS **-v,\--vztname** \<*filename*\> : Specify VZT input filename. **-o,\--output** \<*filename*\> : Specify optional VCD output filename. **-f,\--flatearth** : Emit flattened hierarchies. **-c,\--coalesce** : Coalesce bitblasted vectors. **-n,\--notruncate** : Do not shorten bitvectors. This disables binary value compression as described in the IEEE-1364 specification. (i.e., all values except for \'1\' left propagate as a sign bit on vectors which do not fill up their entire declared width) **-h,\--help** : Display help then exit. ## EXAMPLES To run this program the standard way type: vzt2vcd filename.vzt : The VCD conversion is emitted to stdout. ## LIMITATIONS *vzt2vcd* does not re-create glitches as these are coalesced together into one value change during the writing of the VZT file. ## AUTHORS Anthony Bybell \ ## SEE ALSO *vcd2lxt2*(1) *vcd2lxt*(1) *lxt2vcd*(1) *gtkwave*(1)