Tcl Callbacks

When gtkwave performs various functions, global callback variables prepended with gtkwave:: are modified within the Tcl interpreter. By using the trace write feature in Tcl, scripts can achieve a very tight integration with gtkwave. Global variables which may be used to register callback procedures are as follows:

gtkwave::cbCloseTabNumber contains the value returned is the number of the tab which is going to be closed, starting from zero. As this is set before the tab actually closes, scripts can interrogate for further information.

gtkwave::cbCloseTraceGroup contains the name of the expanded trace or trace group being closed.

gtkwave::cbCurrentActiveTab contains the number of the tab currently selected. Note that when new tabs are being created, this callback sometimes will oscillate between the old and new tab number, finally settling on the new tab being created.

gtkwave::cbError contains an error string such as “reload failed”, “gtkwave::loadFile prohibited in callback”, “gtkwave::reLoadFile prohibited in callback”, or “gtkwave::setTabActive prohibited in callback”.

gtkwave::cbFromEntryUpdated contains the value stored in the “From:” widget when it is updated.

gtkwave::cbOpenTraceGroup contains the name of a trace being expanded or trace group being opened.

gtkwave::cbQuitProgram contains the tab number which initiated a Quit operation. Tabs are numbered starting from zero.

gtkwave::cbReloadBegin contains the name of a trace being reloaded. This is called at the start of a reload sequence.

gtkwave::cbReloadEnd contains the name of a trace being reloaded. This is called at the end of a reload sequence.

gtkwave::cbStatusText contains the status text which goes to stderr.

gtkwave::cbTimerPeriod contains the timer period in milliseconds (default is 250), and this callback is invoked every timer period expiration. If Tcl code modifies this value, the timer period can be changed dynamically.

gtkwave::cbToEntryUpdated contains the value stored in the “To:” widget when it is updated.

gtkwave::cbTracesUpdated contains the total number of traces. This is called when traces are added, deleted, etc. from the viewer.

gtkwave::cbTreeCollapse contains the flattened hierarchical name of the SST tree node being collapsed.

gtkwave::cbTreeExpand contains the flattened hierarchical name of the SST tree node being expanded.

gtkwave::cbTreeSelect contains the flattened hierarchical name of the SST tree node being selected.

gtkwave::cbTreeSigDoubleClick contains the name of the signal being double-clicked in the signals section of the SST.

gtkwave::cbTreeSigSelect contains the name of the signal being selected in the signals section of the SST.

gtkwave::cbTreeSigUnselect contains the name of the signal being unselected in the signals section of the SST.

gtkwave::cbTreeUnselect contains the flattened hierarchical name of the SST tree node being unselected.

An example Tcl script follows to illustrate usage.

proc tracer {varname args} {
    upvar 0 $varname var
    puts "$varname was updated to be \"$var\""

proc tracer_error {varname args} {
    upvar 0 $varname var
    puts "*** ERROR: $varname was updated to be \"$var\""

set ie [ info exists tracer_defined ]

if { $ie == 0 } {
    set tracer_defined 1

    trace add variable gtkwave::cbTreeExpand
        write "tracer gtkwave::cbTreeExpand"

    trace add variable gtkwave::cbTreeCollapse
        write "tracer gtkwave::cbTreeCollapse"

    trace add variable gtkwave::cbTreeSelect
        write "tracer gtkwave::cbTreeSelect"

    trace add variable gtkwave::cbTreeUnselect
        write "tracer gtkwave::cbTreeUnselect"

    trace add variable gtkwave::cbTreeSigSelect
        write "tracer gtkwave::cbTreeSigSelect"

    trace add variable gtkwave::cbTreeSigUnselect
        write "tracer gtkwave::cbTreeSigUnselect"

    trace add variable gtkwave::cbTreeSigDoubleClick
        write "tracer gtkwave::cbTreeSigDoubleClick"

puts "Exiting script!"